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Feel Guilty About Taking A Break From Work? Don’t.

Taking a break

Do you feel guilty whenever you take a break from work? Do you feel like you’re wasting time whenever you’re not working? Well, research shows that working long hours won’t make you any more productive. So, go on, do not be afraid to make use of your paid time off (PTO). Taking a break might just help you to work more effectively. With this in mind, let us discover the benefits of using time away from the workplace productively.

Taking a Break During the Week

There have been hundreds of studies showing that working more than 40 makes you no more productive (or even less productive over time). One study found that you can become temporarily more productive by working a 60, 70, or 80 hour weeks, for a week or two, but your productivity falls precipitously over time. In fact, those who worked an 80 weeks, were back at the same total output level as the 40 hour a week workers in just 3 weeks. Another study (perhaps explaining why) found that those who work 55 hours a week versus 40 hours had suffered declines in intelligence, reading, and vocabulary. Taking a break is necessary to keep yourself sane at all times. Especially when you’re working from home, there’s a good chance to lose the work-life balance. Many people tend to play games or even take a stroll through the garden if they’re working from home. Some people even listen to podcasts (check this podcast) or watch random videos on Youtube as a stress buster.

Taking a Break During the Day

What researchers are beginning to understand is that your ability to focus is limited and weakens over time. Taking breaks, however, allows you to recharge and remain at a high level of focus (similar to how a bodybuilder needs rest between sets). One study, found that participants who took short breaks were more focused and productive at a task. Another study out of Cornell found that employees who were reminded to take short breaks were 13% more accurate on their tasks. How long should your breaks be? Here are the main three schools of thought:

It probably doesn’t make sense to rigidly time the breaks. A human mind needs regular breaks to function to its full capacity. Having a regular diet, proper exercise, and occasional staycations would be ideal for everyone. It doesn’t hurt to read about your layton card break reviews once in between your work or when you are taking a break. Nor does it hurt if you take a snack break in between. The thing is to experiment with the different options and see what works for you.


What these studies show is that if you “work” long hours you’re really not getting any more total work done than if you took more breaks. Obviously taking more time off work will allow you to live a more balanced life, reduce stress and become happier. So, give it a shot. Vacations of a week or more can be a great way to recharge as well!

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