Your body’s basal metabolic rate (metabolism) is the amount of energy it burns while at rest in order to keep the body functioning. Your metabolism actually accounts for 60% to 75% of the calories the body burns in a day. So, speeding up your metabolism is a worthy goal if you’re trying to lose weight! Here are 8 science-backed ways to make it happen:
1. Lift Weights:
Strength training is the most effective way to boost your metabolism. One study found that 63% of variation in metabolism among participants was due to fat-free body mass. Of the remainder, 7% was explained by fat mass, 2% was explained by age, 2% was due to error and 26% was unexplained.
Not surprisingly then, another study found that a 16 week strength training increased metabolism by 7.7% in older men.
2. High Intensity Cardio:
We didn’t say it would be easy. Another study found that engaging in 45 minutes of vigorous intensity cycling increased metabolism by 7.8%. Metabolism remained elevated for roughly 14 hours after exercise. High intensity interval training has also been shown to increase metabolism for at least 12 hours post exercise.
3. Eat a Low-Carb Diet:
Paradoxically, caloric restriction can actually reduce metabolism by as much as 20%. When you reduce calories, the body thinks it’s experiencing a famine and so it reduces metabolism in order to conserve energy. Smart, but it’s not doing us any favors in this case. However, another study found that consuming a low-carb diet greatly mitigates the reduction. Following a low-glycemic index diet led a moderate decline, while consuming a low-fat diet led to the greatest decline in metabolism.
4. Eat More Protein:
Fortunately, another study found that eating a high-protein diet when restricting calories led to no decline in metabolism. However, a high-carbohydrate diet caused significant declines. Taking supplements is another way to ensure that the body gets the nutrients it needs. NutraTrim is a metabolism-boosting supplement sold by brands such as nucific. However, before you decide to purchase these supplements, make sure you do thorough research.
5. Drink water:
Drinking water can increase metabolism by up to 24%. The peak in the metabolism boost comes 57 minutes after drinking, so be sure to drink water throughout the day.
6. Drink Coffee/ Green Tea:
What about beverages? Another study found that 8 mg of caffeine increased metabolism by 16% over a period of 3 hours after consumption. Some studies have also shown green tea and oolong tea can also be effective.
7. Eat Spicy Foods:
Spicy foods have also been shown to boost metabolism. Spicy foods also reduce the desire to eat fatty, salty, and sweet foods.
8. Get Enough Sleep:
You don’t usually think about sleep when it comes to metabolism or weight loss. However, a study found that sleep deprivation led to a 5% decline in metabolism. Not only can sleep deprivation has an effect on your weight loss and metabolism, but it could have a detrimental impact on other areas of your life too. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes are just some of the problems that can occur as a result of lack of sleep. The best thing you could do, if you find yourself suffering from sleep disorders or sleep deprivation is to seek professional help from specialists like Gwinnett Sleep, who can assess your problems and offer tailored solutions accordingly. As such, many people decide to do something about it before it gets worse. Also, if you are hesitant to seek medical help, you could then check out somewhere like this Sunnyside dispensary to see which marijuana products could work, or you could use sleep medication to help give you the sleep that you deserve.
The cause of your sleep deprivation could be related to your bed and mattress type. If you don’t remember the last time you changed your bed or you feel your mattress is starting to become uncomfortable, it might be worth reading reviews online like Koala vs sleeping duck review to work out the best mattress to send you to sleep. However you do it though, just make sure that you are getting enough sleep each night.
9. Put Ice in Your Drinks:
Cooling water to 3 ° C (37.4 ° F) caused metabolism to increase by 4.5% over the next hour. It’s not a major effect, but the body burns additional energy as it raises the temperature of the water.
10. Habitual Activity:
While not directly impacting your metabolic rate, fidgeting, laughing or otherwise habitually moving more will increase the amount of calories you burn a day.
Raising your metabolism is like having a stream of income that comes in without you having to do much work. It constantly works in your favor. So give a few of these points a shot!
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