Yogilates: The Best of Both Worlds



Do you find yoga to be unchallenging? Do you feel like Pilates is missing a contemplative aspect? Yoga is the perfect way to meditate while improving flexibility; however others find Pilates to be a more solid routine. Yogilates was created in 1997 by a personal trainer named Louise Solomon to bring together the best of both worlds!

Through mediation techniques you’ll feel more relaxed after a long day of work. While our full body workout incorporates various movements targeting arms, legs, but, and core! With bikini season in full swing now is the time to firm up and show off your summer body.

BellaVita’s (located in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood) yogilates class combines the meditation of yoga and the full body toning of Pilates. Taught by a variety of talented and experienced instructors, they will have you leaving both physically and mentally satisfied.


You can find try a Yogilates class for just $15 at BellaVita by purchasing a GymLion pass here!

Written by: Molly Yetman